Share on social media
No doubt you have a social media account. It could be that Facebook works for you, or Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or all of them! Make sure you share your content with your followers. Write a post that includes a link to your article. This is a way of channelling your social media followers to your website with interesting and helpful content. We have seen valuable results from posting a link to our blog posts increasing website visitors significantly. Make sure you share the social media post containing the link with the people you know and get friends and family to share too. Think about including relevant hashtags to make it easy to find. If you mention certain products or are writing a case study of a certain company you have worked with, make sure you tag them. Companies love to share this information as it increases their profile as well as your own.
Email your contacts
If you have some interesting articles to share why not email your contacts? If you have a mailing list set up and use a mailing tool such as Mailchimp this can be relatively easy to do. The best thing is to set up a template for your business. Then when you have new information to share you can pop it into the template easily. Although people do not like to be bombarded by emails, occasional reminders that you are there may prompt customers to get in touch. It just keeps you in the mind of your customers and highlights that you are an expert in your field. Make sure your content is useful and people will take an interest.
Repost at a later date
Although you don’t want to keep repeating yourself some posts can often get lost in people’s newsfeeds. Repost your article in the following weeks. You can reword the post linking to the blog post and use a new image to keep the post fresh and to avoid having a repetitive page. If your blog has a number of different points, create social media posts that pick up on different aspects of it. This means you are sharing one article but drawing users attention to different elements of it. Think about what events are coming up. If you have a blog post talking about the advantages of a product you sell that would make a great gift, post about it around Mothers Day, for example.
Make your content work hard for you
Writing a blog post is really just the start of your content journey. It is important to take the time to write informative copy for your customers but you can’t rely on the fact that they will just find it. Let people know it is there and hopefully you will see your social media engagement increase and your website hits go up. All of this is great for your google ranking. So get writing and sharing now!
Here to help
If you would like help writing informative content for your website we are here to help! We cater for all budgets and can help you flourish in the online world. Contact Us